Cheerleaders, Coaches, Parents, and Fans!
Welcome to AZCheerMagazine's weblog! Hopefully you will find this is a powerful tool and resource for sharing information about cheerleading in the state of Arizona.
AZCheerMagazine is Arizona's premier cheerleading magazine and we are currently in the process of producing our "Back-to-School" issue for fall of 2009. We need your help!
Possible features in the upcoming issue include:
- Camp Memories and Photos
- Football 101 and Traditions
- New Pyramid Stunts & Tumbling
- News and Community Stories
- Timeline to Nationals
- Upcoming Competitions
- Back-to-School Fashion Trends
- Fundraising, etc.
If you think there is something important for this issue that we haven't outlined, please send us a comment here and let us know! This is the best place to get your thoughts and ideas into the pages of AZCheerMagazine!